Liability coverage protects the insured against loss arising from legal liability when a car that the insured owns or operates is involved in an accident.

There are two types of liability limits: split and combined single. Today we’ll take a look at split limits. Split limit coverage uses 3 dollar amounts.
In the event of an auto accident, these limits specify the maximum amount the policy will pay for:
bodily injury for each person involved;
bodily injury for the entire accident; and
property damage
NY state minimum auto limits are $25,000/$50,000/$10,000. Let’s say you have state minimum limits and are driving while distracted on your phone. You hit another car and their damage totals $35,000. Your insurance will only pay up to $10,000 for their property damage. That leaves you with $25,000 that you’re responsible for. How will you finance that? All it takes is one accident to lead to a lifetime of debt.
